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Accepted Paper:

Gender, discourse and law in marital conflicts of past and present. Case studies from Mexican post indigenous rural areas.  
Dubravka Mindek (Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos)

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Paper short abstract:

This paper has the etnographically oriented goal of describing the practices and legal strategies used by men and women from two Mexican post indigenous villages, one located in the state of Puebla and another in the state of Morelos, in their marriage conflicts management and resolution.

Paper long abstract:

This paper has the etnographically oriented goal of describing the practices and legal strategies used by men and women from two Mexican post indigenous villages, one located in the state of Puebla and another in the state of Morelos, in their marriage conflicts management and resolution. The paper also explore the historical construction of these practices and strategies, as well as their articulation with the positive law and their adaptation to new and changing life experiences of the locals, such as international migration. Based on analysis of local court records and interviews, the paper highlights that couples involved in marital disputing produce discourses in gendered ways.

Panel SE07
Conflict, compassion and social actors
  Session 1 Tuesday 6 August, 2013, -