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Accepted Paper:

Folk observation of Nature: peculiar and promising.  
Viacheslav Rudnev (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology)

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Paper short abstract:

Folk heritage in observing Nature is unique data. This data is urgent for solving actual problems in human health and in using renewable resources. Many Folk technologies/ decisions in Nature using are interesting for Modern society in guiding toward sustainability.

Paper long abstract:

The broadening of knowledge about Nature and the world around is one of actual problems of Modern society. Imbalance in the Human-Nature-Society system (the result of surplus pressure of industrial society on the Nature) stipulates the necessity of searching for a way, a new model for future society's development in light of the goal of sustainability. This way is based (according to the opinion of investigators in problems in Nature-Society relationships) on reduction of pressure on the Nature through using technologies and practices friendly to Nature.

Folk/ Indigenous culture fixed unique data, decisions (and technologies) that are quite effective and useful for using Nature in a regime of spare. This presentation will focus on the specificity of Folk Modes of Life and techniques which have been used for getting unique data about Nature. Special attention will be paid to problems of the exploitation of Folk heritage in observing Nature for Modern life, and for creating effective technologies that are guarantees of human Life-support activities in a regime of priorities required by the goal of Sustainable Development.

Panel BH04
Indigenous knowledge and sustainable development (IUAES Commission on Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Development)
  Session 1 Wednesday 7 August, 2013, -