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Accepted Paper:
Health and health seeking behaviour of tribal women and children at Jhargram sub-division, West Bengal: pre and post conflict situation
Pinak Tarafdar
(University of North Bengal)
The present article will decipher the changing situation of health condition and health seeking behaviour among the Santal women and children in the different phases of conflict situations at the Jhargram region of West Bengal, India.
Paper long abstract:
Jhargram sub-division of West Bengal is one of the conspicuous tribal dominated parts of the state. Santal, the most significant tribe of the region had their age old health seeking behaviour which was intended to protect the most vulnerable section of the population i.e. women and children. Initially the traditional medical system was trust worthy for them during the era of Pre-conflict. The autochthons of the Jhargram sub-divisional region which is also geographically extended part of forest circumscribed Chotonagpur plateau experienced various cultural, social, political and physical conflicts in different phases of time. These turmoil circumstances encroached and altered the most essential part of the women and the children's life related with their health and health seeking behaviour. The present article will also decipher the matter of healthy survival and the question of cultural rights to the target population during the most intensified conflict situation of the region.