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Accepted Paper:

Food culture and Health status: A Study among Tribal communities of Karnataka, India  
Jai Prabhakar Sosale Chandrashekara swamy (Centre for Multi-Disciplinary Development Research (CMDR)) Gangadhar Mysore Rajagopal (University of Mysore)

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Paper short abstract:

Health of the people is the natural wealth of a nation and therefore, health problems are of national importance. The present paper tries to look at the food culture of the tribe changed over a period of time, impact on their health condition.

Paper long abstract:

All communities especially tribes have their concept of health, as part of their culture. Beliefs, inherent and integral as they are in the cultural matrix, act as invisible forces translating pre-set ideas into overt acts and customs. They live in harmony with nature but live a life of deprivation and poverty. The traditional food security is thus being threatened. Health status of different tribal groups is influenced by their entire way of life like culture, including social and economic condition, nutrition, living condition, housing, education food habits, taboos and superstition, socio-religious beliefs and practices, use of indigenous Medicare system, income, communication and transportation, ecology, demography, social-biological practices, genetic attributes and the health services etc. Rehabilitation of tribes form forest area to nearby place results drastic changes in their food habits. Given the restrictions from forest department to their traditional way of agricultural practice they have all but become dependent on the food grains provided by government through PDS system. The present paper tries to look at the food culture of the tribe changed over a period of time, impact on their health condition. The issues pertaining to way of tribal life, health seeking behaviour, food security act and PDS system are discussed and concluded with some recommendations.

Panel LD12
Health and nutrition: changes in lifestyle in the era of globalization
  Session 1 Wednesday 7 August, 2013, -