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Accepted Paper:

has pdf download Initiatives by Government of Jharkhand to Control Trafficking of Girls - A New Consciousness  
Manju Sharma (Vaidyas-India) Vijay Prakash Sharma (National Institute of Rural Development)

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Paper short abstract:

Trafficking of girls from Jharkhand has become a major concern for the state government. To put an end to this, the state department of welfare rescued 94 girls from metropolis in 2011. Migration and trafficking are related to lack of education, ignorance and basic amenities.

Paper long abstract:

Administration is also responsible for increased trafficking as this issue is not prioritized enough. The geographic condition of Jharkhand is such that it forms an easy transit point for trafficking. Jharkhand forms a triangle with Bihar, West Bengal and Orissa on three sides with large markets. Women of Jharkhand are trafficked for various reasons and not specifically for prostitution, unlike in Andhra Pradesh that has the highest rate of trafficking for prostitution. Here they are trafficked for labour purposes but are also vulnerable to sexual as well as physical exploitation.

What is needed to be done is to monitor migration of tribal women and minors, which is presently not done. In most cases, women go traceless after moving outside their state. Parents also play an important role in the exploitation because they, too, have vested interest. They do

not verify anything beforehand and depend blindly on the middlemen who take them out for work. Mostly women and girls go out with the men or women who are from their own village.

Chief minister Arjun Munda said that the government would soon come out with a state women's policy — the draft for which was prepared in 2006.We have already created bodies such as a state women's commission and state human rights commission to assist the masses," he said, adding, "A women's policy and child rights protection commission will also be in place soon."

Panel MMM02
Human trafficking and female migration: the problem of an evolving humanity and emerging world
  Session 1 Wednesday 7 August, 2013, -