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Paper short abstract:
Human right is for the sake of Humanity. However, in the wave of new world order and exploitative attitude of a few are violating the fundamental rights of many. Often certain political situation plays a crucial role here. Such an incidence has been discussed here in case of the displaced people of Bangladesh and their continuous struggle related with unorganized occupational sector.
Paper long abstract:
The subject of Human Rights is gaining much importance in the present world scenario. The term actually refers to those elemental rights which any human deserves to have honoured in order to survive, enjoy well being and flourish or fulfill him or herself by virtue of being human. The fundamental attributes of human rights denotes right to equal opportunities for all, right to egalitarian social justice, right to food, shelter, health, leisure, individual dignity, right to equality, right to respect and privacy, right to property and right to life. But today due to exploitative attitude, deprivation and greed of a few are refuting the needs of many. In this regard, along with a number of factors, the issues related with the displacement and refugeeism due to certain political consequences, has emerged as a major social problem. Particularly due to this factor the concerned people have to loss their permanent settlement, stable economic pursuit and they are forced to face severe inconveniences in every aspects of their livelihood. Ultimately the different aspects of their fundamental human rights are being seriously violated. These issues have been observed among the people of an unorganized occupational sector, who were displaced from their earlier settlement of Bangladesh and are struggling for their common minimum livelihood.
Key words: Displacement, Identity crisis, Human Rights.