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Accepted Paper:

Excavations at Sri Ksetra January-February 2015  
Janice Stargardt (University of Cambridge)

Paper short abstract:

Excavations by the joint Department of Archaeology-Cambridge team have taken place at Sri Ksetra from 1 January-27 February 2015. They ave been working at two sites in the area of the Yahanda Gu outside the southwest of the city. The first aims at uncovering the ancient record of monumental structures in the immediate vicinity of the Yanhanda Gu, which was heavily restored in 1964; the second has uncovered and selectively excavated the first habitation site. This paper presents a preliminary report on the work of the first season's excavations.

Paper long abstract:

Excavations by the joint Department of Archaeology-Cambridge team have taken place at Sri Ksetra from 1 January-27 February 2015. They ave been working at two sites in the area of the Yahanda Gu outside the southwest of the city. The first aims at uncovering the ancient record of monumental

structures in the immediate vicinity of the Yanhanda Gu, which was heavily restored in 1964; the second has uncovered and selectively excavated the first habitation site. This paper presents a preliminary report on the work of the first season's excavations.

Panel P06
Myanmar: its past and its regional and inter-regional interactions
  Session 1