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Accepted Paper:

Lithic raw materials and assemblages from Muang Pang valley, Northwest Thailand  
Rasmi Shoocongdej (Silpakorn University)

Paper short abstract:

Stone tools are generally assumed to be related to human activities and site function. The study of raw materials and its relationthips to typology and technological organization providing insight into the interaction between humans and environments.

Paper long abstract:

Most of "Hoabinhian" settlement, cave and rockshelter sites have been the major focus of research. We still lack data for temporary open-air camp sites, field sites, workshop, raw material sources, etc., which will help understand the entire settlement systems. In northwest Thailand, only one workshop site has been systematically excavated and documented at Tham Lod rockshelter in Pang Mapha district as found greater variation in sizes, reflecting more casual choice of raw materials.

Between 2010-2012, I conducted a regional survey in Muang Pang valley in Pai, a nearby district of Pang Mapha. Data from survey explains the distribution and availability of lithic raw materials as the sites produce a large amount of stone debris. Later, in 2013, I excavated an open-air hot spring of Muang Pang site in the same valley. Lithic tools and debitages were recovered from the site and less variation in sizes. The site was used as a contemporary camp.

This paper will examine the lithic assemblages from survey and excavation in Muang Pang Valley using an organization of technology approach.

Panel P16
Lithic technologies in Southeast Asia
  Session 1