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Accepted Paper:

Archaeological surveys and human occupation in the Meratus mountains (South Kalimantan, Indonesia)  
Francois-Xavier Ricaut (Université de Toulouse (Paul Sabatier) - CNRS UMR 5288) Bambang Sugiyanto (Balai Arkeologi Banjarmasin) Restu Sulistiyo (Balai Arkeologi Banjarmasin)

Paper short abstract:

This poster aims to highlight the preliminary results of the survey carried out by Archaeological Institute of Banjarmasin (Balai Arkeologi) in the karstic region of the Meratus mountains in South Borneo (South Kalimantan province, Indonesia).

Paper long abstract:

Since 1995 and the excavations at Gua Babi and Gua Tangkorak (1995-1999), the Archaeological Institute of Banjarmasin (Indonesia) has undertaken extensive archaeological surveys in the Meratus mountains range of South Borneo (South Kalimantan province, Indonesia). Human prehistory in this area is poorly documented and understood, mainly due to exploration difficulties in this karstic region. Twenty years of surveys have led to the discovery of tens of caves and shelters, some with rock art paintings and burials dating back to at least the early Holocene. Archaeological data are sufficient to start a preliminary comparison of the archaeological findings in the different regions of the Meratus mountains.

This poster aims to highlight the preliminary results of the archaeological surveys of the kartsic region of the Meratus mountains in South Borneo.

Panel P34
Poster session
  Session 1