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Accepted Paper:

Divorcing citizenship from politics: to be a Dutch citizen and an overseas Indian citizen (OCI) simultaneously  
Kate Kirk (VU University Amsterdam)

Paper short abstract:

Many high skilled Indian migrants take on Dutch citizenship while planning to move on to other migrant destinations or return to India as Overseas Indian Citizens (OCI) OCI status provides all the right of citizenship except political ones. What does all this mean for citizenship?

Paper long abstract:

This paper will explore new forms of transnational citizenship made possible for high skilled Indian Migrants to the Netherlands. Many of the informants in our ethnographic research take on Dutch citizenship while planning to move on to other European or North American destinations or return to India as Overseas Indian Citizens (OCI). OCI status offers all the right of citizenship except political ones.

Panel P18
Brain gain? High-skilled migrants, emotional citizenship, and multi-level engagement policies in South Asia and in Europe
  Session 1