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Accepted Paper:

Encounters in an alien surrounding: German Jewish refugees in late colonial India  
Joachim Oesterheld (Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin)

Paper short abstract:

The paper will examine the scope and content of cultural, intellectual and social interactions of German Jewish refugees in India between 1933 and 1945/47.

Paper long abstract:

In a first part the paper will deal with the problems German Jews faced while trying to find refuge in India. After briefly reconstructing the Government of India's role in permitting entry of Germans and in particular of German Jews to the country, the paper looks at Indian reactions towards the asylum seekers. While it seems obvious that the colonial power and the freedom movement as major actors defined to a certain extent the possibilities and quality of interaction taking place between German Jews and Indian communities before and after arrival, individual support by Indians of different faith and social standing plaid a certain role as well.

A second part of the paper will focus on the daily life of the German Jewish refugees. Regarded as enemy aliens they could not escape internment during the first years after the outbreak of World War II. Due to efforts by Jewish organizations and prominent individuals in India and a less strict internment policy by the colonial power, the majority of Jewish refugees remained at large during the war. An attempt will be made to specify the different professions and the living conditions of German Jewish refugee families, couples and individuals. In their interactions with Indian society what role plaid Indian Jewish communities? To what extent German Jews familiarized themselves with other Indian cultures and what have been the repercussions on their Jewish identity? Is there some kind of legacy German Jews left in India?

Panel P39
Jews and Judaism in South Asia: cultural encounters and social transformations
  Session 1