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Accepted Paper:

Sardars and returnee recruiters in the Indian labour diaspora  
Crispin Bates (University of Edinburgh)

Paper short abstract:

A critique of colonial discourse on Indian migrant labour in the nineteenth century with particular reference to the role of intermediaries.

Paper long abstract:

Arkatis, maistries, sardars and other intermediaries in the movement of indentured Indian labourers overseas have traditionally been the target of criticism from Indian employers, labour commissioners and missionaries as well as nationalist historians. But a closer exploration of their origins, role, and agency suggests a more nuanced interpretation of their contribution and their pivotal function as vectors of information concerning the perils and opportunities that lay in store for long-distance labour migrants. The paper draws upon examples across the Indian Ocean of Indian overseas migrants after 1857 and makes connections to contemporary debates on migrant labour and the role of intermediaries in the Indian economy.

Panel P19
Dalals, brokers and intermediaries in South Asian economy and society
  Session 1