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Accepted Paper:
Hybridizing idioms: interrogating the shifting interpretations of disabilty in a north Indian biomedical setting
Serena Bindi
(Paris Descartes University)
Paper short abstract:
Based on five case studies, this paper highlight the complex dynamics by which, in a north Indian biomedical setting, people come to integrate different idioms and paradigms in the interpretation for their child's disability.
Paper long abstract:
This paper is based on a four months intensive fieldwork conducted in the north Indian city of Dehradun (Uttarakhand, North India) in a clinical facility which provides assessment, resources and referrals for families of children with special needs. The centre is dedicated to serving children with disabilities and development delay. The children and their families participate in a five days workshop during which they can share their experiences and acquire from the medical staff new knowledge and awareness. Focusing on five case studies, this paper will highlight the complex process by which families who participate in the workshop come to integrate different explanations, paradigms and idioms in their interpretations of disability.
Disability in South Asia: an emerging discourse
Session 1