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Accepted Paper:

'First Our Fields, Now Our Women' Gender Politics In Delhi's Urban Villages In Transition  
Radhika Govinda (University of Edinburgh)

Paper short abstract:

This paper proposes an understanding of gender and identity politics in Delhi's historic urban villages, its intersections with state and development politics, migration and urban culture.

Paper long abstract:

This paper proposes an understanding of gender and identity politics in urban renewal in Delhi, its intersections with state and development politics, migration and urban culture, by specifically examining the changing socio-cultural and political dynamics of life and livelihood in the city's historic urban villages. There is some recognition among policy makers and development practitioners regarding the importance of taking into account the voices of women and the perspectives of gender and identity politics as Delhi's urban villages continue to develop. However, these voices and perspectives remain marginal in if not altogether absent from in-depth scholarly works. The research on which this paper is based seeks to address this gap in knowledge production. The paper draws on findings from case studies of two urban villages in South and Central Delhi, emerging from data gathered through participant observation, group discussions, and semi-structured interviews with women from different age brackets and occupational profiles and members of their family, and with select community leaders, government officials and members of development organizations operational in these villages.

Panel P11
Changing spaces, identities and livelihoods in Delhi
  Session 1