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Accepted Paper:
Landscape as Resistance
Lidia Guzy
(National University of Ireland)
Paper short abstract:
The paper aims to present an example of successful eco-resistance against bauxite mining and industrialisation fought in the mid 80ies by Adivasi Paiko, Binjal and Soara communities in the Bora Sambar region of Western Orissa up today.
Paper long abstract:
The Gandhamardan Surekhya Andulan - the Gandha Mardhan Protection Movement (Gandha=medicine; mardhan= mountains) of western Orissa shows how a landscape and the protection of its environment have become an expression of local resistance and of regional identity. The struggle for conservation of the forest and the mountains represents a cultural symbol of local resistance against ecological and cultural destruction through ruthless industrialisation. Today the successful Gandha Mardhan Movement means not only the conservation of the forest but also agency and survival of the indigenous population of the region. The saved landscape mirrors the local struggle for eco-justice and cultural identity fought by local communities in western Orissa.
State and tribe in central-eastern India: (re)approaching a troubled and troublesome nexus
Session 1