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Accepted Paper:

Integrating structural and spatial transformation - Rethinking African urbanization and economic development through the agency of spatial formation  
Sascha Delz (ETH Zurich)

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Paper short abstract:

This paper will address two aspects that are often neglected, but crucial when discussing how to sustainably harness urbanization for economic development and structural transformation in Africa: the importance of contextual differences, and the impact of spatial formation.

Paper long abstract:

The proposed paper draws from the author's research on recent urbanization processes in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa and its hinterland. It will address two aspects that are often neglected, but crucial when discussing how to sustainably harness urbanization for economic development and structural transformation: the importance of contextual differences, and the impact of spatial formation. Along these lines, two proposals will be put forward. First, it will be argued that there is an obvious need for new concepts of urbanization that are driven by, and adequate for African contexts. From this perspective, 'urbanization without development' could be seen as an explanation based on concepts from established industrialized countries, rather than trying to understand patterns of urbanization through particular local African settings. Second, it is fundamental to reconsider the role of space for structural change - from a 1-to-1 scale of every-day living environments to a regional scale of rural-urban linkages. Embracing the built environment as productive and inclusive agent, rather than a mere necessity for - or result of - structural transformation, could lead towards more comprehensive and sustainable approaches of economic development. Thus, following the panel's statement that "urbanization can be a positive force of transformation only when it is planned and managed adequately to optimize its productive potential and ensure its sustainability," this paper will firstly - along selected cases from Addis Ababa - highlight the importance and potential of addressing spatial transformation as an integral part of sustainable structural change, and will, secondly, show potential alternative approaches to the stated and identified challenges.

Panel P015
Urbanization for Africa's structural transformation
  Session 1