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Accepted Paper:

Imagining and Infrastructuring Decolonial and Anti-colonial Climate Futures: new African voices in the global climate movement  
Wiebe Nauta (Maastricht University)

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Paper short abstract:

African climate activists, though having been systematically ignored internationally and in the media, represent important voices in the global climate movement. How do they imagine decolonial and anti-colonial climate futures? What challenges do they face?

Paper long abstract:

Climate activism in Africa is hardly researched, while according to Ugandan activist Vanessa Nakate “Africa is the least emitter of carbons, but we are the most affected by the climate crisis” (2021 :2). Therefore, Africa should be at the centre of the climate conversation while keeping in mind that climate justice needs to go hand in hand with racial justice.

This paper aims to examine who is active on the African continent and how these climate activists imagine decolonial and anti-colonial climate futures? Furthermore, it aims to explore to what extent these activists are integrated in transnational global activist networks and whether they experience challenges, including racial and gender discrimination, in their activism. Such challenges may have to do with funding issues, repression and censorship by African governments and/or lack of support from international organizations, NGOs and Northern activists. What tools are at their disposal and how do they make use of (social media) channels to get connected and getting their messages out?

Panel Econ19
Imagining and infrastructuring decolonial and anti-colonial futures in Africa
  Session 1 Wednesday 31 May, 2023, -