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Accepted Paper:

The Leap-frog Paradox: Examining Digitalization Intensity and Employment Outcomes in Ghana  
Evans Awuni (Universität Erfurt and GIGA Hamburg)

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Paper short abstract:

This study explores digitalization inequalities & their impact on employment in Ghana, a fast-growing digital tech hub. Using data from 1251 respondents, it examines the intensity of digitalization, skills, motivation & utilization and how digital inequalities affect different employment outcomes.

Paper long abstract:

This paper presents an empirical study on digitalization inequalities in Ghana, a fast-growing digital tech hub in Africa where the government has implemented various digital processing and payment systems, mobile money interoperability, and a digital addressing system. The study aimed to provide insights into the widespread digitalization inequalities beyond connectivity, including skills and motivation, and the degree of utilization. Using original data from 1251 respondents in Ghana, the study constructed an intensity index based on 34 items to capture the multidimensionality of digitalization. The study also examined the correlates of digital inequalities across different employment and socio-economic groupings and provided implications for further research and the outlook of the future of work in a developing country context. Despite Ghana's progress in digitalization, the study raises questions about the impact of these trends on development outcomes and the potential for digital development disparities to create new divides or reinforce existing ones in the labor market.

Panel Anth19
Digital public infrastructure and the future of African statehood: South-South circulations of new techno-imaginaries [CRG Africa in the World]
  Session 1 Friday 2 June, 2023, -