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Accepted Paper:

Imaginaries of Race and Development on the Yugoslav Construction Sites in Zambia in the 1970s  
Goran Music (University of Vienna)

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Paper short abstract:

This paper will shed light on Yugoslav workers' imaginaries of race and the socialist development mission in Zambia beyond the official narrative of colorless workers’ internationalism.

Paper long abstract:

The bourgeoning research on the exchanges of students, workers and experts between the “Second” and “Third” world during the Cold War usually focuses on the movement from the Global South toward Eastern Europe. An important aspect covered by these accounts is the paradox of everyday racism encountered by Africans in state socialist countries which endorsed strong anti-racist official rhetoric. When the flows of people in the opposite direction are taken into account they typically look at highly skilled personnel operating in African urban centers immersed in mostly white international expat and diplomatic circles. This paper will shed light on the newly arrived workers from Yugoslavia in the isolated construction sites and workshops in Zambia. By using the enterprise newspapers and oral history the paper will show how work and contact with the local population shaped the Yugoslavs’ imaginaries of race and the socialist development mission in Africa beyond the official narrative of colorless workers’ internationalism.

Panel Hist24
Demystifying 'postracial' discourses on Africa: history, representations and trajectories
  Session 2 Thursday 1 June, 2023, -