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Accepted Paper:

How can non-state short-term cash transfer drought response programme be used for curtailing food insecurity? Lessons from expert-based ex-ante assessment using ScalA-FS approach in northern Tanzania  
Gerald Mwakipesile (Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, Tanzania) Raphael Macha (The University of Dodoma) Lutengano Mwinuka (The University of Dodoma) Rehema Kilonzo (The University of Dodoma)

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Paper short abstract:

High dependency on climate-sensitive activities has made farmers in sub-Saharan African countries more vulnerable to climate change impacts. The study offers expert-based ex-ante analysis results from ScalA-FS tool learning from short-term integrated cash transfer programme in northern Tanzania.

Paper long abstract:

High dependency on climate-sensitive activities for income and food consumption has made rural farmers in sub-Saharan African countries more vulnerable to climate change and variability impacts. Changes in ago-ecological conditions directly affects food security through decreased agricultural productivity, reduction of natural resources and reduced distribution of incomes among farming households. In order to protect rural livelihoods, African governments and programmes are increasingly implementing policies and interventions that deter climate change adverse effects to safeguard the lives of the extreme poor. We conducted an expert-based ex-ante analysis using ScalA-FS tool on the Tanzania Red Cross Society (TRCS) short-term integrated cash transfer programme in northern Tanzania to ascertain if the programme supports good farming practices with regards to social, ecological and economic sustainability, climate change responsiveness and has potential for scaling-up. Findings revealed that, the TRCS programme supports good farming practices which improve household’s income and food security through provision of cash transfers and improvement of biodiversity through training on efficient and effective livestock, pasture and manure management. Also, findings suggests that, the TRCS programme design enhances community’s adaptive and resilience capacity to climate change through capacity building interventions on farm and specie diversification, rotational grazing, separating pastures and de-stocking practices amid drought and dry spells. Further, findings suggest high potential of scaling-up the programme to enhance long-term food security in drought prone areas.

Panel Econ09
The cost and impact of social cash transfers: efficiency, social service and poverty
  Session 1 Saturday 3 June, 2023, -