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Accepted Paper:

LGBTQIA2S+ trans-locations and superpositions across Afro-Atlantic and Afro-Indian oceanic zones of contact, colonization, criminalization, captivity and contestation  
Suan Aponte (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) Cely F. Thompson (University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras) Frances S. Rivera Cornier (University of Puerto Rico - Río Piedras) Elizabeth Barrows (Universidad de Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras) Alice Rodriguez Laureano (University of Puerto Rico)

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Paper short abstract:

Considering a range of LGBTQIA2S+ expression from more formal collective trans-performances in Puerto Rico to less formal individual trans-performances on a beach in Kenya, we investigate the matrices that shape and are shaped by non-cis-hetero-normative people of African descent.

Paper long abstract:

In this presentation, we take our cue from a broad array of LGBTQIA2S+ performances across Africa and its diasporas to envision temporal, spatial, socio-cultural and political trans-locations and super-positions that unsettle the neat discursive boundaries that are normally taken for granted between such notions as: 1) colonial vs. postcolonial vs. neo-colonial ‘eras’; 2) Atlantic vs. Indian Ocean contact ‘zones’; 3) Old vs. New ‘Worlds’; 4) chattel enslavement vs. wage ‘labor’; 5) pure/authentic vs. hybrid/corrupted ‘blood’ and ‘traditions’; 6) rights vs. power ‘struggles’; and 7) active vs. passive ‘resistance’. The indomitable, contradictory and shape-shitfting Atlantic-Saharan-Indian Ocean, colonial-neocolonial-decolonial, and other trans-dynamics that are propelling Africa toward a renewed demographic, economic and cultural centrality on the planet are perhaps nowhere better evidenced than in the daily efforts of non-cis-hetero-normative Africans to survive and lead fulfilling lives. By considering a wide range of LGBTQIA2S+ expression from more formal collective trans-performances on an urban stage in Puerto Rico to less formal individual trans-performances on a beach in Kenya, we acknowledge and investigate some of the multiplex texts and textualities that constitute the matrices that shape and are shaped by non-cis-hetero-normative people of African descent.

Panel Lang02
No hay camino hay que caminar
  Session 1 Saturday 3 June, 2023, -