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Accepted Paper:

Colonial Legacies and African Futures. Portugal's Intelligence Services and Their Impact on Mozambique During and After the Liberation War.  
Sandra Araújo (University of Warwick)

Paper short abstract:

This paper examines the role of colonial intelligence services in Mozambique’s liberation struggle (1964-1974), and the impact they had on the country’s post-independence political landscape.

Paper long abstract:

This paper examines the role of colonial intelligence services in Mozambique’s liberation struggle (1964-1974), and the impact they had on the country’s post-independence political landscape. Deploying a mix of primary and secondary materials, and investigative methods, the paper first examines the two roles the intelligence apparatus performed during counterinsurgency: guide colonial military operations and political repression and generate studies to inform the colony’s policy-making process. The paper then discusses the complexities and shortcomings surrounding the prospective nature of such studies whose purpose was to engender evidence-based actionable knowledge to influence the course of events. The paper concludes by examining the impact of these policy-oriented documents and the forecasts they contain during and after the liberation war, namely in the policy of the newly independent state.

Panel Hist02
Colonial (counter)insurgency as African future-making
  Session 2 Saturday 3 June, 2023, -