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Accepted Paper:

Futuring with children: Making class through reproduction in Namibia  
Julia Pauli (University of Hamburg)

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Paper short abstract:

To understand reproductive futuring in Namibia, the paper analyzes class dynamics and social reproduction together.

Paper long abstract:

Long before the end of apartheid and independence in 1990, class formation emerged in Namibia. Today, strong class inequalities shape the country. While a tiny elite and a small, but growing middle-class live relatively comfortable lives, the vast majority of the population struggles to survive. Remarkably, these dynamics have so far not been discussed in relation to social reproduction. For several decades now, the number of births in Namibia is declining. At the same time, there are strong variations in fertility for different subpopulations. In my paper, I trace these variations and link them to different class configurations. At least three different reproductive class constellations can be distinguished: elite families with many children, middle class families with few children, and single mothers with many children from different partners. I argue, that the three constellations also embed different aspirations for the future, from consolidation (elites), to improvement (middle classes) and survival (single parents). Consequently, to understand reproductive futuring in Namibia, it is important to consider social class and social reproduction together.

Panel Anth46
Reproductive futures: aspirations, ancestors, and anxieties
  Session 1 Wednesday 31 May, 2023, -