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Accepted Paper:

Chinese remedies, dietary supplements and "machines" in the Cameroonian medical landscape.  
Lucia Candelise (Losanna University) Antoine Kernen (University of Lausanne)

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Paper short abstract:

China's influence in the health African field is far from negligible and it is taking place in unexpected areas. This presentation examines local appropriation of remedies and therapeutic objects coming from China into the health Cameroonian landscape in contemporary times.

Paper long abstract:

In the field of health, China's contribution is generally addressed either through its cooperation programs (Li 2011) or by the opening of private clinics by Chinese "doctors" (Kernen & Vulliet2008).

In Cameroon, since 1975, medical teams composed of a dozen doctors of different specializations, including an acupuncturist, take turns every four years in few hospitals (Mbalmayo, Yaoundé, Guiding, Douala). In the cities, some private practices have been opened and work has highlighted their role in the dissemination of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) (Prince Pokam 2011, Wassouni 2010, Monteillet 2011).

During the last 10 years, the circulation of goods and knowledge from China leaves more room for local appropriation. In today's terms, however, the "Africanization of Chinese medicine" operates generally without Chinese "doctor", but simply by the use of Chinese products or therapeutic practices inspired by China. Some Cameroonian therapists stage a Chinese or Asian inspiration, others simply use "machines" of Chinese manufacture (Candelise & Kernen 2019). And some of them offer in their pharmacies, Chinese dietary supplements, alongside decoctions of locally produced plants (Ergot & Simon 2012).

From direct observations conducted between 2014 and 2018, the purpose of this intervention is to show the challenges of the insertion of remedies and therapeutic objects (machines) coming from China into the health Cameroonian landscape in contemporary times. The idea will be, on the one hand, to show the representations that these objects mobilize with therapists. On the other hand, to question the dynamics this circulation induces on the Cameroonian medical pluralism.

Panel Hea04
Circulation of biomedical knowledge and materiality between Africa and Asia
  Session 1 Thursday 13 June, 2019, -