The ascendancy of colonial masters in Africa did not only change existing structure of the people, it also affected the norms, ethos, and values of the society.This, however, did not last for eternity.
Paper long abstract:
The Atlantic salve trade of the 15th century swept away many Africans to Europe and Americas with high degree of cerebral alteration and mental castration in several areas of life. The Yoruba nation of the South West Nigeria, in Africa had a great taste of this moment. Most of them were taken into slavery across countries. while, they were forced to behave 'illicitly' against their culture, and also pressed to change their religious beliefs, these enslaved Africans did not only refuse to drop their religion, they practiced it, though nocturnally with the appropriate music they had imbibed in their system before they were captured.These original beliefs of their music and religion remained for a long time as an underground activities in the Southern America, until recently, when it was legislated to be an official religious and music activities in the Southern America. With adequate bibliographical evidences lacquered with empirical submissions from the filed, this paper, gives narratives of the cultural spirit of Africans that refuse to die, even in the face of 'persecution'