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Accepted Paper:

Does election observation matter? Examining the impact of observers in Tanzania and Uganda  
Alexander Makulilo (University of Dar es Salaam) Rodrick Henry (University of Dar es Salaam)

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Paper short abstract:

Election observation, if conducted according to international norms and standards, strengthens the credibility and legitimacy of electoral outcomes. Using Tanzania and Uganda, we examine the extent to which reforms that observers propose are taken into account in subsequent elections.

Paper long abstract:

Electoral observation has become an integral part of the democratic and electoral processes in Africa. International and local observers play important role in enhancing transparency and credibility of elections and acceptance of results in the continent. Moreover, proposals that are issued by observers are critical in improving the quality of future elections. Using Tanzania and Uganda, we examine the extent to which reforms that observers propose are taken into account in improving subsequent elections. We note that the proposed reforms in the two countries are by design not adequately implemented.

Panel Pol08
Election observation in Africa
  Session 1 Wednesday 12 June, 2019, -