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Accepted Paper:

Between magic and hubris: the geoengineering turn in climate policy and the global South  
Jeremy Baskin (University of Melbourne)

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Paper short abstract:

I examine the two main imagined geoengineering technologies - the negative emissions technology (NET) BECCS, and solar geoengineering with stratospheric aerosols. I look at how the discourses surrounding each technology engages, albeit very differently, with development and justice concerns.

Paper long abstract:

The Paris climate agreement arguably marks the beginnings of a geoengineering turn in global climate policy. I explore this turn for its implications for the global South and from a climate justice perspective. I examine the two main imagined geoengineering technologies - the negative emissions technology (NET) bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), and solar geoengineering with stratospheric aerosols - the former critical to the Paris agreement and modelled climate futures, and the latter not officially embraced. I look at how the discourses surrounding each technology engages, albeit very differently, with development and justice concerns. I conclude that the approach to both technologies reflects a view of how the world ought to be ordered, one which emanates from the global North but is expected to be applied in the global South.

Panel C18
Open questions in STS and geoengineering
  Session 1