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Accepted Paper:

The catastrophe of the encounter - experimenting with arts, sciences and climate change  
Carolina Rodrigues (Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP))

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Paper short abstract:

The purpose of this presentation is to politicize the relationship between arts and sciences, from an experimental communication project (, which brings together artists and scientists, developed under a Brazilian network of research on global climate change.

Paper long abstract:

The purpose of this presentation is to politicize the relationship between the arts, sciences and climate change, from an experimental communication project (, which brings together artists and scientists, developed under a Brazilian network of research on global climate change. By producing a range of materials (videos, texts, collaborative workshops, performances and audiovisual exhibitions), we want to make the communication a continuous experimentation with the sciences and the arts, seeking to extract power from their materials, procedures, concepts and methods to establish new conditions of possibilities for the relationship between knowledge, people, information, images and many other beings and things, establishing new ways of speaking, writing and inhabiting the world (Ingold, 2007) . To this end, we consider arts and sciences as an event (Stengers, 2004) releasing them from their confinement in effectuation, from the borders and contours already given. We submit the arts and sciences to the catastrophe of the encounter - not a disaster to be remembered as a historical event or significant experience - but the perceptive collapse that leaves us vulnerable, before which we no longer know how to act, it is no longer possible to act on the coordinates established and fixed positions. The catastrophe of the encounter makes it vulnerable sciences and arts, giving rise to new forces, enabling the creation of new practices, feelings and thoughts about climate change.

Panel T037
STS and Artistic Research
  Session 1 Thursday 1 September, 2016, -