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Accepted Paper:

Culture of Care and organisational culture in animal research facilities   
Annabella Williams (Understanding Animal Research)

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Paper short abstract:

Through focus interviews I consider how the interactions and practices of staff working in facilities for research animals contribute to an organisational 'culture of care'. This paper presents initial findings of how cultural interactions in the animal research sector affect capacity for care.

Paper long abstract:

Within organisations that use animals in scientific research establishing a culture of care is a considered a core function of the Animal Welfare Body, as established in Directive 63/2010/EU, yet the interactions that either create or undermine an organisational culture of care in animal facilities are not well understood. While there is extensive discussion about the need for care to be an intrinsic part of culture in animal facilities there is currently little formalised practice.

This paper considers how people working in and with animal facilities contribute to the culture of care in their organisations, and the key factors that influence this culture. The research is based in a series of focus groups with animal technicians and scientists, supplemented by interviews with key stakeholders from the animal research sector.

The study will:

• Consider and identify key features and indicators of a caring culture

• Develop understanding of what steps can be taken to influence and lead a culture of care within an animal science setting

This work will consider how the interactions of people who make up an organisation contribute to its culture, and influence the capacity for caring practice, reflecting on current understanding about culture of care post-Francis inquiry to consider how practices in the animal research sector can benefit from these ideas.

Panel T088
Policy and Care (or Care-Full Policy): exploring practices, collectives and spaces
  Session 1 Thursday 1 September, 2016, -