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Accepted Paper:

Traces of Waste - A Site-Specific Audio Walk  
Flavia Caviezel (Basel Academy of Art and Design, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland) Yvonne Volkart (University of Applied Arts, Basel) Adrian Demleitner Anselm Caminada Mirjam Bürgin

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Paper short abstract:

The audio walk based on a GPS-enabled recycled smartphone is dealing with cleaning and disposal processes of ‚waste’ in the Swiss-German-French border area. Topics of the walk regarding aspects of a smartphone’s life cycle will be presented at appropriate site-specific places in Barcelona.

Paper long abstract:

The audio walk Traces of Waste looks at processes of cleaning and disposal in the trinational region of Basel/Switzerland, bordering Germany and France. Travel routes are observed for (an)organic matter, ‚waste', which is considered nowadays as well as dynamic and transformable, as a ‚new' resources.

The audio walk leading along the Rhine river offers a manifold access providing (future) scenarios ranging from science-fiction to ‚documentary' modes, from spoken word to noises creating closeness respectively irritation towards encountered situations or objects.

Using recycled smartphones the GPS-based audiowalk reflects with its technological requirement not only aspects as regards content (eg. problematics of raw material and recycling, re-use) but as well its medium. The own pace of exploration and passages without sound are important to enable a diverse perception of space. At best, visitors experience a kind of transformation through participation, merging the role of visitor and (empowered) actant.

The contribution for the conference panel is planned as follows:

A general introduction of the project (in or outside of the conference venue) will be followed by site-specific elements: We present topics of the audio walk - as re-use, repair of smartphones or (if possible) specific aspects of electronic waste collecting systems in Spain - at appropriate places in the city, as for instance mobile phone (repair) shops, e-waste collecting points etc. Correspondent parts of the audiowalk are presented there to show its character and atmosphere and to initiate further discussions about global aspects within a local focus.

Panel T070
Sensing, Walking and Embodiment With and By Technologies: A Track Away From The Desk
  Session 1 Friday 2 September, 2016, -