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Accepted Paper:

Socio-Technical Futures for Parliamentary Research: Building a Foresight Service for the European Parliament  
Philip Boucher (European Parliament)

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Paper short abstract:

The Scientific Foresight Unit of the European Parliamentary Research Service delivers research on science and technology futures to inform action at the European Parliament. We present our experience in providing this service with reference to projects on cyber-physical systems and assistive technologies.

Paper long abstract:

The European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) offers an in-house foresight service, delivering bespoke research on science and technology futures to inform decision making at the European Parliament. This is offered primarily through the Science and Technology Options Assessment panel - which is comprised of 24 MEPs from a range of Parliamentary Committees - but the service is also available to other MEPs and Committees.

The aim of the foresight service is to support Parliamentary work, including political action to anticipate and prepare for different socio-technical futures (on a 30-50 year timescale). The service also creates a range of fora for debate amongst politicians, policymakers, researchers and publics about socio-technical futures and their associated challenges and opportunities.

The working method of the service was developed in 2014-15 in liaison with Parliamentarians and foresight experts, and remains in an experimental stage with pilot projects on cyber-physical systems and assistive technologies. It comprises six steps:

1. Topic selection

2. horizon scanning

3. 360° envisioning

4. scenario development

5. legislative backcasting

6. sense-making for empowering MEPs

In the paper, we will discuss how socio-technical futures are designed, articulated and deployed as part of this method and how they shape the present, with particular reference to the unique positioning of the EPRS and STOA Panel within the European Parliament.

Panel T056
Socio-technical Futures Shaping the Present - Empirical Examples and Analytical Challenges in STS and Technology Assessment
  Session 1 Thursday 1 September, 2016, -