Ludwick Fleck's work isn't finished. He draw quite interesting and very useful model of science as a social entity - or better - as a social organisation of thinking. The power and weakness of this model dwell in his generality: the concepts of thought style and thought collective can be used in many different scientific and philosophic approaches with results dependent on inherent aims of kind of a school. That is the power of his work because it seems to be very handful and efficient for hermeneutic orientated philosophers as well as for medicine historians and sociologists of science. On the other hand, the Fleckian model of science absorbed by various discipline loses its clarity and uniformity. Even more - loses the chance to be an autonomous observation of scientific processes. When we say today, that scientific fact is constructed by the collective and Fleck can be seen as a ancestor of constructivism is - from my point of view - still far too little.
In my conference paper I'll try to complement the ideas of Fleck using systems theory, that was used in the discourse of Radical Constructivism. The model of collective thinking enriched by concepts of self-organisation, system boundary and contingency may become an original and practical research tool, allowing for empirical observations.