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Accepted Contibution:

[has image] Transformation Journeys  
Marjoleine van der Meij

Short abstract:

Athena Institute researchers share how they address complex problems based on societal needs. Through personal experiences they explain how they engage multiple actors, how they learn from each other by doing, and thereby jointly contribute to societal transformations.


The Athena Institute at VU Amsterdam addresses complex societal problems through a transdisciplinary approach. For more than 40 years, Athena has been involving a wide variety of actors in research and innovation processes. In this four-part video series, Athena researchers explain per research domain (1. (Global) Health & Well-being; 2. Emerging Science & Technology; 3. Food, Environment & Sustainability; 4. Competencies for Transformation) how these actors learn from each other by doing, and jointly contribute to positive societal transformations, ultimately leading to a more inclusive, equitable and sustainable world.

Program MD04
Making and Doing Films (Theater 8)
  Session 1