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Accepted Contibution:
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Short abstract:
Installation consisting of Moving Image, Sound, Computer code.
The Minor Ai series consists of experiments in producing small-scale machine learning practices that explore possibilities for alternative frameworks of artificial intelligence. Emerging from the idea of small and slow Ai, these intelligent assemblages refuse the narratives and structures of Big Tech and instead foreground alternatives proposed by data humanism, ancestral knowledges, mystical encounters and feminist practices. Consisting of a series of different experiments, the works propose an exploration of the ways in which feminist diy methods can reveal new ways of doing and thinking with Ai that are esoteric, sensuous, communal and even subversive. The series aims to question the cultural logic of techno-capitalism as it is currently embedded within large-scale Ai systems and to reflect on the ways in which small Ai can become crystallized as a practice through the refiguration of existing ML structures into a “minor language” (Deleuze & Guattari, 1983) for intelligent assemblages. The artifacts consist of experimental software (custom code and small-scale datasets) that takes input in the form of an interactive object and outputs moving image sequences and text.There are currently two nearly-completed experiments (esoteric Ai, which produces algorithmic images through an intelligent software based on numerology and Subversive Ai, which works against its own software structure, seeking to produce glitches in its existing order). Two more experiments are planned to be developed between Feb 2024 - June 2024 (ancestral and feminine) and can feature in the exhibition. The attached file presents the outcomes of the Esoteric project.
![uploaded image [image]](
Timing: | 4x artefacts, 10-15 minutes per artefact. |
Making and Doing (HG first floor around the Aula)
Session 1