From the fountain: letters for Adele E. Clarke (Stand HG_PINK02)
Christoph Hanssmann
(University of California, Davis)
Short abstract:
This will be a station with several chairs at which people may write letters or notes. Supplies will be provided.
Earlier this year, the eminent STS scholar, sociologist, and methodologist Adele E. Clarke passed away. In addition to authoring or co-authoring several books and scores of articles, she trained several generations of STS scholars. Her writing and editing frequently involved the use of fountain pen, usually in purple ink. Using this tool, she maintained, helped slow down the process of writing and deepen one’s thinking about what goes on the page. In this Making and Doing session, we will offer people an opportunity to use her preferred writing tool to write a letter, a note, memorial, or tribute to Adele E Clarke. We will supply stationery and pens. Participants may choose to keep their notes or include then in what will become a material compilation of letters commemorating Adele E. Clarke’s legacy and effect on the field. Please join us in this session to write slowly and think deeply with and about Adele E. Clarke.