AI Utopia: convivial technologies there and then (Stand NU2_02)
Andreas Liesenfeld
Short abstract:
We propose an installation of around a dozen poster size (A0) cityscape photographs that together form an photo exhibition.
What if AI technologies were build by the people, for the people - serving everybody equally well, safe and fair. In short, what if they were tools for conviviality (Illich 1973)? This foto installation explores what a utopian AI technology landscape looks like, inspired by transformations of public space and technologies here in the Netherlands. Through a series of poster-size (A0) contrastive cityscape photographs, we show how Dutch cityscapes transformed over the past decades, from the car-infested molochs of the 70s, into spaces for bicycles, trees and pedestrians of today. Retracing how Dutch landscapes evolved into more convivial spaces: what would a more convivial AI technoscape look like?