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Accepted Contribution:
Together we are stronger than an aggregate of individuals: establishing an urban agricultural network for the city of stavanger: a participatory action research
Mik Abel Hespe van den Brink
(University of Stavanger)
This thesis, part of an internship at Stavanger Municipality, employs Participatory Action Research (PAR) via three future workshops. It explores urban agriculture's potential, addressing challenges, and prospects, advocating for local economies and degrowth.
Long abstract:
This Master Thesis is written as part of an internship at the municipality of Stavanger, and it involves a Participatory Action Research (PAR) in the shape of three future workshops that were organised in January, March and April 2024. The Thesis discusses how a metabolic rift in Stavanger constituted by industrial agriculture may be overcome through a process of degrowth. The process of degrowth in this respect involves empowering the local people of Stavanger to get involved with urban agriculture and to see how the future workshops may help with both envisioning utopias, building a network and concretizing where the people in the network may start to further establish Urban Agriculture (UA) within the city. It concludes that the difficulties experienced by the participants are compatible with the theory on metabolic rift as well as that the visions of utopia are in line with a more localised degrowth future where common ownership of resources and land plays a more major role.