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Accepted Contribution:

Exploring the dynamics of smart meter technology adoption in sustainable energy systems in Ireland: a quadruple helix stakeholder perspective  
Amy Fahy (Maynooth University) Sadhbh Crean (Trinity College Dublin) Carrie Anne Barry (Maynooth University) Steven McCartney (Maynooth University) Fabiano Pallonetto (Maynooth University)

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Short abstract:

This working paper employs a Quadruple Helix (Carayannis & Campbell, 2009), engaged research (Campus Engage, 2019), transdisciplinary (Wernli and Darbellay, 2016), investigating perspectives on the adoption of smart technology in the sustainable energy transition.

Long abstract:

Title: Exploring the Dynamics of Smart Meter Technology Adoption in Sustainable Energy Systems in Ireland: A Quadruple Helix Stakeholder Perspective

Background: Smart meter technology holds promise for enhancing sustainable energy systems, yet its adoption is influenced by multifaceted factors. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for effective implementation.

Aims: This research aims to comprehensively investigate the adoption of smart meter technology in sustainable energy systems.

Methodology: A quadruple Helix (Carayannis & Campbell, 2009), engaged research (Campus Engage, 2019) transdisciplinary (Wernli and Darbellay, 2016) approach was taken. 50 semi-structured interviews government, civil society, industry and academia were completed on perceptions around adoption of sustainable energy technology adoption.

Findings: Findings suggest aligning perspectives amongst stakeholders. Concerns around the lack of education and post-installation support for consumers were raised. Furthermore, socioeconomic backgrounds and age demographics were both reoccurring themes, specifically around technology being ‘imposed’ on both elderly communities, and those living in government housing, whereby the consumers had minimal exposure to navigating such devices.

Implications: Understanding stakeholder perspectives is crucial for developing fully-informed strategies that address the multifaceted challenges of smart meter adoption and provide user-friendly smart meter solutions. Civil society organisations can play a vital role in promoting public awareness and engagement.

Conclusion: By incorporating diverse perspectives, this research provides a nuanced understanding of the complexities surrounding smart meter adoption. Specifically, minority groups need to be at the forefront of any future plans regarding nationwide installation of technology, as opposed to assuming the role of silent compliance with national agendas.

Combined Format Open Panel P382
The origins and technological evolutions of silence
  Session 1 Thursday 18 July, 2024, -