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Short abstract:
In this workshop, we invite (all!) engaged researchers to participate in a re-connection journey (1) to what it means and feels to be a transdisciplinary and transformative researcher and (2) to what that implies for accountability practices in academia.
Long abstract:
In this workshop, we invite (all!) engaged researchers to participate in a re-connection journey (1) to what it means and feels to be a transdisciplinary and transformative researcher and (2) to what that implies for accountability practices in academia. Many transdisciplinary researchers grapple with ambivalent and epistemic grounding with care in the constructed fields of science, society and self. This workshops envisions to collectively feel grounded and supported in transdisciplinary and transformative endeavours as researchers. This workshop is intended to fuel a looking inward and looking outward dialectic.
In the first part of our workshop, we focus on the embodiment of being/becoming transdisciplinary and transformative. This is about looking inward, while looking outward.
In a second part of the workshop, we explore what this implies for the way you, as a researcher, want to be held accountable for your actions, and by whom: looking outward, while looking inward. We critically engage with the issue of accountability in relation to the transformative and transdisciplinary research and engaged methodologies. We conceive of accountability practices as ‘world making practices and narratives’, having the potential to create and generate purpose-full transformative (administrative) practices and disrupt counterproductive institutionalized practices.
We invite for creative imagination and materialization of innovative accountability practices (e.g. meaningful measurements, reflexive standards) for the governance of transdisciplinary and transformative research.