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Accepted Contribution:
Short abstract:
If the goals of PAR include broadening participation to better understand and reflect the concerns of participants, the sources of understanding should more adequately demonstrate the complexity and possibilities of meaningful, democratic, participation.
Long abstract:
The objective of participatory action research (PAR) is social change through actively engaging the expertise of participants. In general, PAR is seen as a qualitative methodology, although those who use PAR as a frame may use quantitative methods, like surveys, in combination with interviewing, observation, etc. Yet, if the goals of PAR include broadening participation to better understand and reflect the concerns of participants, the sources of understanding should more adequately demonstrate the complexity and possibilities of meaningful, democratic, participation.
Therefore, the goals of this research are to understand how broadening the sources of data, and therefore participation, allow for deeper, richer and more meaningful understanding, leading to social change. This presentation chronicles how this extended PAR methodology was used to advance a large project on understanding the needs of Black engineering doctoral students in the United States.
This presentation examines how the research team engaged in PAR, hosting several meetings and other communications with graduate students to obtain their perspectives, background, and behaviors. In collaboration with these students, the data from the meetings were synthesized to assist with the development of interventions like curriculum and policy. Participants were actively encouraged to use commenting, voice notes, emoji and numerical scales to participate in review, revision, and re/synthesis and offer suggestions. These responses were integrated into the traditional data and analyzed to better frame the products and programs for student success.
Examining, designing, and building knowledge with: methods for amplifying and integrating excluded perspectives
Session 1 Friday 19 July, 2024, -