Short abstract:
This presentation examines the relationship between stones, minerals, and humans. As we age, we tend to disconnect from their use in technology. Yet, we still possess the ability to connect with nature from a young age.
Long abstract:
This presentation looks into the relations and roles of stones, including minerals, and humans. As adults, we do not relate to stones and minerals so often, especially not in the context of how they are used in technology. This alienation can be approached in various ways, however, I will present how, from an early age, we have a willingness and the ability to connect with nature.
The idea behind this presentation is based on an observation made in a Norwegian mineral shop where they were selling “pocket stones”, and the fact that I then recalled that I also had some stones in my pocket when I was younger. Research has shown that children often, without any precondition, have stones in their pockets (Rautio, 2013). Moreover, Rautio argues that the tactile contact of stones may give an “idea of interdependence of all life on earth.” (Rautio, 2013). This activity does create an emotional connection to the stones (Nieuwenhuys, 2011), and maybe nature itself.
The presentation will use actor-network theories to address the agency of stone and minerals in the context of nature (Jones & Cloke, 2008).
On the other hand, stones and minerals are heavily used and hidden in everyday technologies. What are the stories of the technologies in the pocket? Why do you have it there? Is it a tactile necessity?
Participating in the presentation will allow all to get two pocket stones from Norway, given the simple request to answer a few questions at the end of the presentation.