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Accepted Paper:

Co-creating research on digital transformation: the research innovation hub  
Josephine Schmitt (Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS)) Samuel T. Simon (Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS))

Short abstract:

We are proposing 'Agile Science' for digital transformation research with the Research Innovation Hub as exemplary case of a restructured co-creation process in research: An innovative framework fostering co-creation from the outset, ensuring inclusive and accountable research.

Long abstract:

The dynamics of the digital transformation generate complex research questions: disruptive technological upheavals are entangled with serious social consequences. Their effects and mechanisms need to be researched to be better understood. But the complex societal changes brought along by digital innovations challenge science and research. So far, research on digital transformation often does not adequately meet the challenges created by the intersection of social and technological aspects. Borrowing from participatory and co-creative innovation approaches, we suggest the concept of "Agile Science", i.e., a balanced structure for disciplined work and interdisciplinary collaboration, which allows for adaptability and participation while opening the process for co-creation with a broad community of citizens. With this, we want to shape the future of innovative and responsive research on digital transformation by facilitating co-creation already at the very outset of generating research questions and research programs. We aim to support a shift toward an understanding of, and accountability for, increasing complexities while staying in touch with affected citizens, actively integrating them into the research process and generating relevant findings and solutions for them. At the conference we will introduce the main ideas of this concept and illustrate this exemplarily by describing the Research Innovation Hub at the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS) and how it shapes the structural level of doing research. We wish to discuss how to take our approach even further to guarantee that co-creation with citizens is not exploitative or extractive but really integrates them on a concrete decision-level.

Traditional Open Panel P109
Unexpected ways of knowledge production. Spaces for co-creation in Research Infrastructures.
  Session 1 Tuesday 16 July, 2024, -