The complexity and dynamism of technological development in the context of its use in criminal investigation calls for a deep reflection on the structures of criminal law. Thus, my contribution will aim at exploring the development of a reflexive normativity and trandisciplinary legal science.
Long abstract:
The complexity and dynamism of technological development in the context of its use in criminal investigation calls for a deep reflection on the structures of criminal law. Indeed, there is growing concern regarding the failure of the current guarantees, such as the presumption of innocence or the right to privacy, to effectively address the numerous breaches in fundamental rights raised by emerging forensic technologies. Not only the substance, but also the type of normativity that is characteristic of modern criminal law and its abstract and autonomous conception and approach of social life is questioned, as well as the legal knowledges that are used to support these conceptions. Thus, my contribution will aim at exploring the development of a reflexive normativity and transdisciplinary legal science, that will be able to properly contain the expansion of forensics instruments despite their lack of reliability or negative impact on individual rights.