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Accepted Contribution:
Short abstract:
Through creative methods like collective film making, this project, reflects on the transgressive potential of the political-pedagogical tool called "Agroecological Logbook" for rural women in Bahia, Brazil. I will share my experience (incl. short videos) and hope to reflect collectively.
Long abstract:
Although feminist sciences are increasingly informing science & technology studies (STS), little empirical research shows how such feminist ideas provoke the learning processes, the development of skills and the praxis (Freire, 1997) to act against oppression and violence directed to women. Especially in rural areas of Latin America where formal education systems often fail to contribute to counter these oppressions, and where patriarchal hegemony is widespread, it is important to redo feminist STS in creative ways.
This project is an exploration of the praxis of ‘the agroecological logbooks’ (ALs) in rural Bahia, Brazil. The ALs are an innovative political-pedagogical tool developed by women for women, where rural women research themselves by noting everything they consume, donate, exchange and sell. In this context, networks of organized rural women – collaborating with academics, activist, state development agencies, and social workers - learn to transgress oppressive structures and systems together. Through creative methodologies such as collective film making and affective garden walks, we aim to better understand whether and, how, the use of ALs as an feminist STS tool nurtures transgressive learning among rural women.
The findings show that through self-reflection and dialogue, women start to develop consciousness about the value of their work, gain more (financial) autonomy and more auto-organization. The ALs show to cultivate forms of collective learning that disrupt relations of dominance, racism and machismo in their territories. This project also concludes by reflecting on creative methods like collective filmmaking as vehicles for transformation and transgression itself.
Making and doing transformations in feminist science & technology studies
Session 1 Friday 19 July, 2024, -