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Accepted Paper:

Building transformative pathways to achieve net zero power production emissions through informed citizen input  
Margot Hurlbert (University of Regina)

Short abstract:

Comparative results of interdisciplinary 2 day citizen juries conducted in 2017/ 2022 in communities in Sk, Canada to set a net-zero power production regime by 2050 are reported. Survey before and after the interdisciplinary experiment and constructed policy focused strategies are discussed.

Long abstract:

The paper answers the questions what does early involvement of people in planning net zero power production systems look like after an interdisciplinary 2 day citizen jury? And how do results change over time?

Using the same methodology, jurors constructed strategies after interacting with experts from climate science, power production engineering, and community engaged social science. Citizen juries were conducted in 3 communities in 2017 and 4 communities in 2022. Qualitative data was collected through transcripts of discussion as well as strategies, as well as quantitative data of pre and post surveys. The paper highlights policy based outcomes based on context, place based characteristics, as well as political and technology change.

Historically a fossil fuel, oil and gas region, Saskatchewan is an appropriate case study for transitioning to clean and renewable power production. The paper is original as it concerns upstream system power production portfolios and not failed projects.

The communities studied exhibited place-based attachments and priorities dependent on both surrounding industry and power production sources. Coal, oil and gas communities continued to support fossil fuel generation together with carbon capture and sequestration to a greater extent than other communities. Support for fossil fuel sources decreased over time. While cost of power production sources and impact on Gross Domestic Product was a significant concern at the beginning of the citizen jury, it decreased substantially by the end of the citizen jury. The value of the environment increased over time.

Traditional Open Panel P079
STS for societal transformations: cross-disciplinary visions and realities
  Session 1 Thursday 18 July, 2024, -