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Accepted Paper:

Exploring the entrepreneurial higher education curriculum in Mexico: where is social innovation entrepreneurship?  
José Francisco Romero-Muñoz (Benémerita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla) Wietse De Vries Meijer (Benemérita Unversidad Autónoma de Puebla)

Short abstract:

This research aims to compile and analyze the entrepreneurship study programs taught in Mexico in the last twenty years, to make an inventory of programs, compare them, and reflect on how to teach entrepreneurship in the university environment.

Long abstract:

The advancement of entrepreneurship has increased in Mexico in the last two decades following recommendations from international organizations such as the OECD, which have promoted the idea that the university can and should participate in the socioeconomic development of nations. Various programs have emerged to train entrepreneurs at all educational levels, mainly at the upper secondary and tertiary levels.

A recent line of research explores entrepreneurship in higher education, and several empirical studies have addressed these aspects. These studies analyze aspects like the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process for the development of entrepreneurship, difficulties in fulfilling the university mission of promoting entrepreneurship, the context of university entrepreneurship, psychosocial characteristics in the entrepreneurial intention of students, and problems of the development of competencies, skills, initiatives, culture, attitudes, and entrepreneurial spirit in students (Damián-Simón, 2022a, 2022b).

However, research on teaching entrepreneurship remains scarce and addresses the above topics only partially. In Mexico, a little-explored aspect is the curricular content of entrepreneurship education in recent decades. This research aims to compile and analyze the entrepreneurship study programs taught in Mexico in the last twenty years, particularly those that stand out nationally, to make an inventory of programs, compare them, and reflect on how to teach entrepreneurship in the university environment. A particular objective of this study is to explore the incorporation of social entrepreneurship and social innovation in entrepreneurship education, given the international relevance of this type of preparation.

Traditional Open Panel P013
Social innovation: forms, evidence, and perspectives
  Session 1 Wednesday 17 July, 2024, -