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Accepted Paper:

Daily practices and public policies: caring as lived politics  
Antónia Pedroso de Lima (ISCTE-IUL CRIA)

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Paper Short Abstract:

How do people perform their care practices and perceive moralities of care according to the possibilities defined by public policies? The paper will address the question based on ethnography in post pandemic Portugal.

Paper Abstract:

The paper delves into the intricate dynamics of how individuals engage in their care practices and perceive moralities of care within the framework established by public policies. Over the past decade, there has been a notable proliferation of care-related legislation across European countries, prompted by the challenges posed by an aging population and an escalating care crisis. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic further intensified the focus on these issues, compelling institutions and public policies to confront unprecedented challenges. This paper seeks to address the central question through an ethnographic lens, with a specific focus on post-pandemic Portugal. By employing ethnographic methods, the study aims to elucidate the ways in which shifts in public policies manifest in the daily practices and decision-making processes of individuals regarding their care needs and caregiving responsibilities.

Panel OP286
Care models in transition: public policy challenges in response to the pandemic crisis
  Session 2 Thursday 18 July, 2024, -