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Accepted Contribution:

Cripping Collaboration: Science Fiction and the Access to Disability Worlds  
Leonie Dronkert (University of Amsterdam)

Contribution short abstract:

This multimodal article shows how my research partner Olof and I "cripped" collaboration by making the science-fiction film “O" together. Moving away from the ideal of inclusion, this project made us arrive at a more relational and interdependent understanding of collaboration and of access.

Contribution long abstract:

Inclusive participatory approaches in disability studies strive to make participants with mild intellectual disabilities (MID) co-researchers. However, academic standards of knowledge production and the demand for specific cognitive and linguistic skills can complicate collaboration. I argue that collaboration with people with disabilities is not about efforts of inclusion, but instead, it is our methodologies that need to be “cripped.” This means moving away from the ideal of inclusion, toward a more interdependent and relational understanding of access and collaboration. This multimodal article shows how my research partner Olof and I explored this way of working together by describing the coproduction of the science-fiction film “O.”

Roundtable RT083
Collaboration as method in medical anthropology. Feminist and decolonial perspectives [Medical Anthropology Europe (MAE)]
  Session 1 Wednesday 24 July, 2024, -