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Accepted Paper:

Effective Leadership Styles in Educational Anthropology: Exploring Perspectives and Challenges in Decolonial Africa, Morocco as an Example  
Abdelaaziz El Bakkali (University of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah)

Paper Short Abstract:

In the act of (un)doing with the anthropology arena, the educational sphere stands as a system of transnational experiences between African “growing decolonial critiques” and European “civilizing mission” to discuss effective leadership styles in educational anthropology, mainly.

Paper Abstract:

In the act of (un)doing with anthropology arena, the educational sphere stands as a system of transnational experiences between African “growing decolonial critiques” and European “civilizing mission.” In educational anthropology, research about effective leadership styles has recently become an area of growing concern, debate, and examination in many academic studies to respond to the growing casualization of labor and knowledge production. In many African countries, including Morocco, since independence, the educational system has flopped with many setbacks despite the reform stages, failing to approach the heart of this issue. Today, African educational stakeholders and pedagogical actors should redress the crux of the problem to allow learners access to a Western world of leadership and business with enough transferable skills and competencies. This paper examines effective leadership in the educational sphere, particularly in the Moroccan context. It attempts to unravel the opportune challenges facing the decolonial leadership progress in Moroccan educational institutions. Also, it tries to discuss some perspectives that foreground potential advancements in educational anthropology. The paper adopts a meta-analysis design, whereby a special examination of the various studies that have already been conducted came out with conclusions: perspectives and challenges. Owing to its descriptive, diagnostic, and generative nature, this method allows the researcher to explore the wide range of pitfalls and weaknesses that provide potential opportunities for alternative conclusions to be adopted in restructured approaches to leadership and school effectiveness in educational anthropology. This paper's major results and conclusions are to be qualitatively discussed and analyzed.

Panel OP316
Self and gender in anthropological perspective
  Session 1 Thursday 18 July, 2024, -