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Accepted Paper:

Dreams as site of creative encounters and knowledge production in Amazonian indigenous art practices: Towards other spheres of collaboration and accountability  
Giuliana Borea (Newcastle University Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú)

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Paper short abstract:

This talk explores and theorises the role of dreams in the practice of Amazonian indigenous artists in terms of place of creativity, connection, and accountability, calling to widening what are seen as platforms of art practices and agents of influence and collaboration.

Paper long abstract:

Drawing on anthropology, art history and Amazonian knowledges and art, this talk explores and theorise the role of dreams in the practice of some Amazonian indigenous artists in terms of place of creativity, connection and accountability with the ancestors and other beings. What do Amazonian people mean by ‘dreams’? What is the relationship between creativity and knowledge, and what happens in dreams? Can we understand dreams in terms of place-making – other platforms of art practice- and for networks with others? Based on long collaboration with indigenous artists and intellectuals, this paper will shed light in these questions rethinking the textures and creative power of dreams for Amazonian indigenous art production.

This paper will also establish comparison with other art practices in which dreams have been, or are, central such as surrealism or the Australian Pintipu paintings and contribute to rethink and decolonise the art historical canon. This presentation is part of the second phase of the Amazonart project – - with the Newcastle University’s Faculty Research Fund for the ‘Dreams and Night in the Amazon: An exploration of indigenous creativity and encounters’ project.

Panel P046a
Arts of the decolonial I
  Session 1 Tuesday 26 July, 2022, -